"Art for Change: Fundraising for Little Lions in Kibera"

A few months ago, I embarked on an online teaching journey at Little Lions, a modest school nestled in the heart of one of Kenya's most significant slums. As I became more involved with the community, I realized the immense potential for positive change that existed right within our reach.

Upon the successful completion of our initial project, an invitation from the collaborating NGO sparked a transformative idea. We envisioned the creation of an art program that would transcend the confines of our school and extend its benefits to the entire community.

This ambitious program has a dual purpose: first, to provide children with an opportunity to explore their creative potential through art, nurturing their talents and imagination. Second, and equally important, is the aim to uplift the local artisans within the community. By collaborating with these talented individuals, we hope to catalyze economic growth and generate more job opportunities.

Our vision is to empower local artisans with the skills and resources needed to harness their creative talents for economic prosperity. Through workshops, mentorship, and collaborative projects, we aspire to create a thriving local art industry that not only contributes to the community's economy but also preserves and celebrates its rich cultural heritage.

By bridging the gap between education, art, and economic development, we believe that this program can be a catalyst for lasting positive change in the community. It's a testament to the transformative power of art and education when harnessed for the betterment of society. Together, we aspire to build a brighter future for Little Lions and the entire community it serves.

Trobat cutlery

The term "trobat" originates from Catalan and describes the moment when friends, family, or even strangers come together around a table to enjoy a shared meal. It is a celebration of friendship, love, and communion among people. "Trobat" is more than just eating together; it is about establishing connections, creating bonds, and nurturing relationships.